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Toys for Tots Fly-In

  • 12/02/2023
  • 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • HOTMAC, 3400 Over Flow Road, Waco Texas 76712

Registration is closed

Annual Toys for Tots Fly-In

3400 Over Flow Road

December 2, 10 am - 4 pm

Flying fee is a Toy donation or $25 cash. Extra cash donations will be used to purchase toys. Toy donations should have a minimum value of $25. Free Lunch will be provided to all pilots.  Lunch for guests will be $10 or a toy donation. 

As you have been blessed, be a blessing to others.

All airplanes, all sizes, all power systems! All pilots MUST have membership in AMA.

Pilot Raffle for a for a NIB Hobby Zone Sportsman S+ and other prizes.

Get a ticket each time you fly. All tickets will go into a raffle.

The more you fly, the better your chance of winning.


If weather is unfavorable, please drop your toys off at the field around 11:30 am and a lunch will be served to donors.

If you are attending or donating toys please Register!

Contact Ronnie Dean if you want to help (682) 239-9052

Mailing Address:


P.O. Box 8815

Waco, Texas 76714

Physical Address:


3400 Over Flow Road

Waco, Texas  76712

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